
miércoles, 6 de febrero de 2008

Listen, read and take notes (part2)

Dear students,
To continue listening and taking notes I have selected three sources.
The first is a powerpoint presentation called "Did you know". I embedded it in this post.
The second and third, are two audio files from the podcast
Listen to English"
The episodes that you need to download are:

Follow these steps:
1. Download the 2 audio files from "Listen to English podcast" and bring them to class in your mp3 player. It may be your cellphone, your ipod, your mp3player, or any other portable gadget you probably already have.
2. Listen to the files and print the text available in the website.
3. Take notes on the text . Remember the idea is to be able to reconstruct orally in class (retell) what the audio is about.
4. Listen again to the files many times as necessary, specially the morning before we have our class so that you refresh the information.

Be prepared to present in class the main ideas using only your notes

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